It was just six days of skiing but I have since decided that, that's it! One and only, first and final!
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18 happy boys and girls went up the hill to conquer the slopes!
The six freshers tried skiing for the first time. Poor mf was a slow learner. Only on the third day could I stand up on my own, my instructor finally relieved of the, ahem, heavy task. Once, the ski lift operated went down on his knees to beg me not to fall off the ski lift again!!
G helped count my bruises, thirteen or so of them all over my limbs and yes, butt. It was painful but on the fourth day, a gush of courage came over me and I almost literally flew down the slopes! The feeling was great! mf could finally ski! But it was just for that day...
The next day, we attempted an easy slope but ended up on a not-so-easy slope after almost going into a difficult slope!! I could hardly finished the last part; I literally slid down on my butt!
On the last day of their ski course, the ski class had a little race. Of course I didn't manage anything la, haha! Here's our class:
Near the end of the day, the snowboarders got too bored and came along happily with snowballs in hands, all too ready to ambush unsuspecting freshers, who unfortunately succumbed... And neither could we beat them during the grand finale - snow fight! Our ski boots were just too clumsy!!!
The last evening, I wasn't too well and missed the prize presentation for the race in a local pub... But I had Miki for company :)