I might as well just call it my Stanford trip - I went to the city twice. The rest of the time, I was watching Kenshin in YX's room!!
The sacrifice? Sighs, read the second post..
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It's 450pm SF time now. Just back from a late lunch of enchiladas and banana berry smoothie from campus. Took a 40min slow walk to get back to YX's place, could be faster but I hollanded at one point :p
Anyway, this is my third day in Stanford, haven't seen SF city cos I've been lazy!
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Back for the day! Morning we went out to fetch YX's friend Erwin from airport; he's here for some conference in San Jose. We drove straight to Taqueria Cancun in SF city for lunch, satisfying mexican food :) Then we started our adventure from Bay Bridge, after which we made a quick stop at Fisherman's Wharf - I was there on Thurs but Sun was horribly crowded! - before turning to Golden Gate Bridge.
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