11 July 2016

Babymoon and ZK's birthday treat

Bintan, 11-14 Jul 2016

On retrospect, we were very brave to take this trip right after Yang had his last febrile fit!

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So we wanted a babymoon. And the best time fell on ZK's birthday week! One stone two birds :)

We chose Club Med at Bintan as it has a Mini Club for age 4-10 :p So we left ZY with Mum and left our hearts wondering what mischief he would be up to (lots!) as we departed for our holiday...

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25 March 2016

"We're going to Penang!"

Penang, 25-27 Mar 2016

A trip I regretted due to morning sickness! And the flights were really ex on retrospect...

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I was looking forward to this trip - until morning sickness hit. Then I dreaded it. But two of the three days were actually very very good.