Here, I attempt to put together a brief (I try!) account of other trips taken during those days. During this time, I've visited friends and/or attended events in London, Cambridge, Birmingham, Nottingham.
For university life per se, check out this some time towards the end of this year - still writing...
The Trout
I love this place although it's a little out of town. Peacocks would walk around us freely!
It should be this one.
I no longer remember how I started but I remember coming out of Tottenham Court Rd or Oxford Circus station and walking up and down Oxford St for most of one afternoon! I would then take a turn to Regent St and continue shopping. More like window shopping la - I was a poor student *.*
Regent St would bring me to Piccadilly Circus, which is literally a hop from Leicester Sq and Chinatown. Used to grab dinner in Chinatown... That's XY and mf.
..before catching a musical or play in one of the nearby theatres :) This is mf with KP and BH.
And I love to shop at Harrods too. Used to go for around new year when it was crazy! But hey, I like the atmosphere!
On 31 Dec 2002, a few of us went to the Big Ben for countdown. And I met MS there!
No la, the world isn't that small.. We arranged to meet, took a photo and said bye bye! The Oxford people had to go home..
One day, we set out to find the bridge of our childhood - London bridge! It was..just a bridge! But Tower Bridge was fun - that's G and mf.
More on London here.
I went to Cambridge with a bus load of guys for the annual soccer match with CUMSA. Don't know if they're still doing it.. But last time, OUMSSA always lost, even with foreign talent! Haha!
This was when all of Kel, Jon and I were thin hoho! In front of the Bridge of Sighs in Cambridge - Kel would taunt us that the Bridge of Sighs should be over a river, not over a road, bah!
Cambridge is quite similar to Oxford. But perhaps I'm less familiar with it, I find it more spread out than Oxford. I remember walking quite a bit that first trip to Cambridge *.*
Went there twice during university days for Nottingham Games! This photo was taken during my first trip where OUMSSA scored zero *.*

I didn't go the next year but heard it was zero too.. In my third year, we had one point! Haha! The next year, they did better if I remember correctly.
Nottingham city itself is covered here.
Went there about two or three times due to SingNite 2001. I only remember the lake:
It was road trip to Anfield to watch Liverpool play against Man City. I wasn't a fan but well, it was new for me! It was cold in the stadium and I couldn't tell one player from another. Hell, I couldn't even tell the teams apart! But that wasn't my first soccer match - I later went to watch Arsenal play against Aston Villa at the Highbury and another at Camp Nou in Barcelona!
My souvenir picture :)
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