This was a working trip across four countries in 10 days. I worked damn hard to get this going! And when we were there, I was too tired with tying up loose ends, organising people and writing filenotes to go out much. Not that it was very possible given that I had ambitiously arranged back-to-back meetings every day, including lunch and dinner meetings!
Well, it could be worse. Like 10 countries in 10 days! And anyway, we did have some fun along the way..
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We arrived on a Sunday so some of my colleagues went to the Dublin Castle. I must have slept for a while cos it was dark when I headed out for dinner *.*
We were late for the first meeting due to the traffic and a driver losing his way! It was dark by the end of the meeting so I went to Harrods :p
At one point, a group of us split from the team to meet some chaps outside London. Anu and I smiled for the camera on the way to Fareham :)

And while waiting for the train back, I bought a packet of Walkers! Used to have it so often back in Oxford :)

We were supposed to meet up with the rest at this other meeting place but we had time so we walked a little and took some pictures along the Thames..

We even walked to Downing St but of course we couldn't go into the street. Well, still fun!
We spent the most time in Paris because of the weekend. On Saturday morning, a number of us went to a flea market where a man selling lingerie took a look at me - with my coat on - and told me my size! *.* I bought a pair of faux leather boots, which fell apart from disuse in Sg...
I didn't want to shop the usual so while the rest headed for the shopping belts, I hung out with my two bosses *.* But it turned out quite fun! LH studied in Paris so she brought us to this very good Vietnamese eatery. The queues were long but we got seats pretty soon, just that they were outdoors in November.. But the soup soon warmed us up :) Then we went look-see at some interesting shops, somewhat like Barang Barang.
We walked quite a bit, and along the way, I suddenly realised the charm of Paris. I mean, I liked it when I was first there back in 1999 because, you know, it was Paris! The second time in 2001 was a different experience but perhaps I was too young to fully appreciate my good fortune. This Saturday really opened my eyes to Paris.
When evening came by, we gathered for a dinner meeting that was pretty informal. So I took a picture of my dinner - beef tartar!

NEVER going to have it again. Not that it was bad - I finished everything - but because it was a bit scary hoho!
I was very happy here. Because the end of the (hard)working trip was near!
And Rubber Duckie in the hotel bathroom cheered me up :)